Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Can Get It For You Retail

Nature abhors a vacuum.  So do shoppers.  For the three months I’ll be on Saba the “Canned Ham” T-shirts will, of course, be unavailable.  Mickey possesses many wonderful attributes, but opposable thumbs are not among them so she will be unable to address mailing labels.  Enter Dan Turk.  Not only does Dan have opposable thumbs, he has a shop.  In Hudson, NY, the recently opened Count Turkoffky’s Department Store is a tiny emporium of wonderful objects, both wearable and non-.  And, as of yesterday afternoon, the Count is the exclusive source for the “Canned Ham” T-shirt.  Dan generously volunteered to feature the shirts in his inventory, right next to the hand-made vintage Rockmount Western shirts.  Such exclusive company!


So, if you should find yourself in front of no. 6 So. Fourth Street in Hudson this summer, drop in to see Dan.  And buy a shirt.  You’ll save yourself the shipping charge.  Sure you’ll have to spend the 7o bucks for the train up there, but it’s a nice ride.


Here are a few shots of Dan and his store.  You’ll notice he’s wearing a cape.  Everybody’s doing it.

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